to a book on the teachings of life and love of Norberto Jurasek.
Message from Milli:
During an Ayahuasca ceremony celebrating Norberto on the anniversary of his death, I received the idea to create a coffee table book of his teachings of life and love.
He taught so many of us such wisdom about how to live and what it is to love, in his very humble and compassionate way.
There is such a richness of stories and lessons received from him within this community, and it would be so beautiful to collate memories and teachings together into one place that all of us who want can benefit from.
So, dear community, I wish to invite you to co-create the making of this book!
If you've been touched, inspired or have grown or received anything from Norberto, perhaps you would like to write a summary of the jewel he shared that helped you?
Please write anything from a sentence to a few pages with a gem or the gems of what he taught you. What words did he share that allowed new realisations? What about his being inspired you? Did you learn anything about how to live? Or how to relate? Or what it is to love?
What could you share of his teachings (verbal, embodied, spiritual or otherwise) that could most benefit a reader? What did he do, say or embody that positively impacted you?
Please share this page with any friends you think would like to be involved.
I envisage the book to be printed on demand, so if you want a copy, you would buy it directly from a company who prints it specifically for you. This relieves me of the risk of printing extraneous copies and being responsible for deliveries.
However, to organise all of the submissions into an attractive format does require hours of work by a designer (or AI?). So most likely some funds would need to be raised to compensate that person for their time.
Therefore, if you are willing to:
• contribute financially for the work of collating,
• take on the job of compiling the entries and photos,
• or if you have any other helpful suggestions as to how to arrange this,
please email me at norbertobook@gmail.com stating what you are able to offer, with “I Can Offer” in the subject line.
If there aren’t the funds, designer, or viable way to collate it all into a book, I will simply add the entries to a webpage to be publicly accessible.
This of course isn’t as compelling as a beautiful coffee table book!.. yet we will create whatever we can with the collective contributions of the community.
If there appears to be enough momentum - ie contributors of words, offers of funds, and a designer comes forward with a viable quote for collating the book - I may set up a crowdfunding campaign to raise the funds in a more organised way.
** PLEASE SEND YOUR ENTRY TO THE FOLLOWING EMAIL ADDRESS BY DECEMBER 1ST** - write to norbertobook@gmail.com with “Contributing Words” in the subject line.
Also, if you have any printable quality photos, videos, recordings or bootleg recordings of Norberto or his music, please also submit these to be included either in the book or online. These can be sent to norbertobook@gmail.com.
submit your writings at the form below
deadline for entries: December 1st 2024
write anything from one sentence to a few pages
please keep in mind what would be of benefit for the reader. So although it may include a personal sharing, it is not only this.. keep it more directed towards what he did or said that catalysed growth within you.. so that it could also potentially offer growth and “aha” moments to the reader as well.
proof-read your own writings, and/or get a friend to for you. We will include your message as received, so please check and correct any errors.
please specify the exact name you wish to be referenced as underneath your submission (First name? Full name? Or Anonymous if you’d rather). There is a specific field for this in the form below. Be aware that there may well be references to Ayahuasca throughout the book.. so refer to yourself in whichever way you feel safe. We ask for full name in the form for internal purposes only.
please note, we reserve the right to remove sections or submissions if deemed not appropriate for whatever reason.
before starting… here is an invitation to set a sacred space for yourself.. maybe light a candle and play some music that connects you to ceremony space.. and open up a space in your consciousness to what you experienced during ceremony. How did you feel? What did you hear, see, smell, touch?.. Put yourself as much as you’re able to into the experience of being back in ceremony.. of being back in the magic and mystery that was available to us all in those precious ceremonial times with Norberto. Then open yourself to allowing inspiration to flow.. words to flow from your heart, without censorship. If it feels too much like hard work to find the words, take a step back, have a breath, and reconnect to your heart. May the words flow as a pure expression of your precious heart.
I’m so looking forward to reading your heartfelt words and receiving any other pics/ videos or recordings.
With much love and gratitude for joining us in this project,